Why the best character in Cinderella is not Cinderella

Lucifer the cat from Cinderella

Enter Lucifer!

Some might say that Cinderella is clearly the best character in Cinderella or maybe the wicked step-sisters. Personally, I prefer the cat, Lucifer.

From the moment Lucifer appears onscreen, that mischievous smirk across his chops and decidedly wicked nature captivate. He is used for comedy and suffers numerous mishaps throughout as he strives to make life for Cinderella as difficult as possible.

Lucifer is one of the most successful Disney creations to date, beautifully conceived with his overweight frame and snarling teeth. Yet despite his unpleasant character he is strangely likeable. Audiences may even feel some sympathy for this malicious moggy who never quite succeeds.

He proved popular enough to appear in Cinderella sequels and various spin-offs. Could he justify his own movie though? Undoubtedly yes!

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