The best new creatures in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Last Jedi has some weird aliens in store for us


thala-siren photo

Please see one of my earlier posts where I explore the wonderful Thala-sirens in more detail. Quite simply one of the most original creatures to have appeared in Star Wars for ages. Luke milks one of these, which is worth the price of the cinema ticker alone!



This is a Vulptex. Another genius creation, these snow foxes move with grace and glisten with a certain magical air.


Caretaker Last Jedi

Oh how I wish my caretaker at school had looked like this. The Caretakers, who look like toads dressed as nuns, live on the island of Ahch-To and bring some gentle humour to the film.



The Porg is the creature that was clearly done with one eye on merchandising! Yes, you can already buy talking Porg toys. Some fans have criticised the overuse of the Porgs in the film. I don’t mind them, but I would rather an Ewok or Jawa!


Fathier Space Horse

Who wouldn’t want to ride a magnificent Fathier? These Space Horses literally fly and provide The Last Jedi with not only a pulse-racing chase sequence but a tender moment too.



Not the prettiest of the creatures, the Cloddogran can be found on the island of Canto Bight ‘looking after’ the peaceful Fathiers. Not someone you would want to cross on a dark night.



Not sure about the Wermals yet. They are not the easiest creatures to spot in the film and I am not sure they look that Star Wars esque, perhaps a bit too comical looking for my liking.



You have to admire the sixties throwback hair on the Heptooinian. Seen in a casino, the Heptooinian is very smartly dressed, but what is with the gloves? He looks like he might take you to dinner then kill you.

Dor Namethian

Dor Namethian

Somewhere between E.T. and the alien from Roswell, I can’t help feeling the posture of the Dor Namethian is very, very poor. Maybe it is weighed down by all that bling around it’s neck.

Slowen Lo

Slowen Lo

Slowen Lo also resides on Canto Bight and gets Finn and Rose into trouble, Tut tut, thre’s always one isn’t there? Not a bad looking beast, he reminds me a little of Yak Face from Return of the Jedi.



I think these creatures look rather like the Caretakers who live on the Ahch-To island. The Suertons can also be found on Canto Bight, well dressed and looking somewhat pleased with themselves.

So there we have it, some of the best alien creatures from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Of course there are dozens more. Most of whom appear on Canto Bight, but I could be here all night looking for them!

Where does Star Wars go next after The Last Jedi? May contain spoilers

Which original characters could still return?

Han Solo is dead. Luke Skywalker is…well if you have seen The Last Jedi you might know the answer to this one and Carrie Fisher is no longer with us in real life, so the original much loved trio are effectively out of the film series. Well, we might get Luke reappearing as a spirit.

While I continue to struggle with them bringing back the original characters and then killing them off (this includes Admiral Ackbar who was also dispensed of in The Last Jedi), I have started to think who else is there from the original films that could come back now.

Lando Calrissian is a possibility but a slim one as I am sure I read that Billy Dee Williams was not up for a comeback, though this might have been hearsay.

The droids have already returned and because they are droids can always be repaired so they’re safe. Chewbacca is ancient but I reckon he is safe, I mean they can’t get rid of Han and Chewie surely?

From the original films there are still some characters who could emerge, including Wedge, the Ewoks, Mon Mothma and Boba Fett (whose death in the sarlacc pit has been disputed for years). I personally think all of these characters coming back is highly unlikely though.

Now of course, the best thing that could happen now is that Luke Skywalker has pulled off one amazing magic trick and is actually alive…

The Last Jedi – does Luke Skywaker die? Potential spoilers in here!

Did they just kill off Luke Skywalker?

I have nearly, nearly gotten over them killing off Han Solo. I still have flash backs of Chewbacca’s howl as Han plummets to his death. On going into the see Star Wars: The Last Jedi I held with me two thoughts, firstly, Carrie Fisher is no longer with us so surely Leia will quietly pass away in this film and thank goodness Luke Skywalker is back, the original hero. They’ve killed off Han so there is NO WAY they would get rid of Luke as well.

Oh but they did. Towards the end of the film there is an epic moment where Luke summons all his strength and uses the force to to ward off Kylo Ren and allow his comrades to escape to safety. I can firmly say my palms were sweating when Luke switched off his lightsabre because I had a flashback to the moment when Obi Wan did the same in A New Hope and allowed himself to depart. I was thinking ‘oh no Luke is going to let himself die.’ Then Ren’s lighsabre goes right through Luke’s chest. Gasps! But hold on, he is still alive? We then discover what we are seeing is a projected image of Luke – the real Luke is actually still on his island Ahch-To, using all his force strength to project an image of himself. I cannot tell you how relieved I was!

I allowed myself to ease back into my chair, safe in the knowledge that Luke was still alive and well back on the island. Then comes the shocker. Luke goes into a quiver, crumples and vanishes. His cloak falls onto the rock where he had been hovering. Luke is gone. It would seem he used so much energy it killed him. The boyhood hero of millions of children all over the world has gone.

But of course he isn’t really dead, he is always there in force spirit, alongside Obi Wan and Yoda but the proper physical Luke Skywalker has gone. I suspect he has gone, but there is a part of me that is silently praying that what we saw was just a Jedi thing that he does and that he will be alive and well in the final film…

It was a bold decision to get rid of Skywalker. Very bold. The right decision? Not sure. By the way, Mark Hamill is exceptional in The Last Jedi, his performance is a tour-de-force. Excuse the pun.

The best new creature in Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Thala-siren

Luke Skywalker’s green milk producing friend

Star Wars: The Last Jedi packs a host of weird and wonderful creatures into it. The ones everyone is talking about are the cutesy Porgs. But far more interesting to me are the Thala-sirens.

These massive beasts live on the island of Ahch-To, where Luke Skywalker has banished himself to. The Thala-sirens get literally seconds of screen time, but just enough to make you sit back in your chair and think ‘what on earth was that!’

The eccentric looking Thala-sirens have udders and long snouts. The udders have a purpose as we find out in the film, when Luke marches up to one and promptly milks it, producing a lovely looking green milk. Maybe this is a hark back to A New Hope and the blue Bantha milk.

I think I was drawn to these creatures because they look rather like dinosaurs and not as overtly CGI’d as the Porgs, who by the way are not too annoying!

It is unlikely the films will feature a Thala-siren again, so let us be grateful that they made into the The Last Jedi at all!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Scenes we would like to see

Scenes that we want to see in the The Last Jedi

  1. Luke Skywalker training with Rey. Cue lots of anguish as she struggles to stand on one finger and make Luke spin around her in the air
  2. A photograph of Han Solo on Mon Mothma’s wall
  3. Chewbacca going all out vigilante in a one-wookie crusade to avenge Han
  4. C3PO arguing with R2-D2 and using some choice language. The film will probably be rated a 12A so they could get away with some light to moderate swearing
  5. The spirit of Ben Kenobi wafting by in a background scene, maybe pausing to buy some fruit from a Mos Eisely market stall
  6. Boba Fett. He didn’t get swallowed by the Sarlacc pit after all, he is back, he is meaner and moodier than ever and his new jet pack allows him to cruise at speeds faster than the Millennium Falcon. He burns up when making the jump to lightspeed
  7. Luke Skywalker training with Rey. Cue more anguish as Luke struggles to tell her that he is her father (probably)
  8. An impromptu visit to the Mos Eisley Cantina. The same music is playing from A New Hope and droids are still not welcome
  9. Lando
  10. Luke Skywalker training with Rey. Rey discovers she might be the ‘last Jedi’. Then Luke mystifies everything by saying “No, there is another.” Cue endless speculation from fans until the next film is made