The singing creature in Solo: A Star Wars Story

The singing duet scene in Solo: A Star Wars Story

How a creature in a glass jar steals the show

There is usually a moment in any Star Wars film that is the defining moment. The scene that stays with you, the one you simply have to talk about after leaving the theatre. My favourite moment from Solo: A Star Wars Story was the duet between the slinky woman and the green disembodied head in the glass jar.

His resonating deep tones reverberated throughout this scene. I was so entranced by his Barry White esque voice that I failed to listen to any of the main dialogue going on between the central characters and was instead homing in his dulcet tones in the background. As with all great Star Wars creatures (like the Bounty Hunters who never speak and most of the Cantina creatures) we get very little of this singing green alien in a glass jar. But for those brief few moments, he and his female counterpart own the stage. Hilarious to watch and one for fans to gush over!